Privacy Notice

In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, PENKA MUNDO SUSTENTABLE S.A. DE C.V. (hereinafter PENKA) informs you of its privacy policy and handling of personal data, which at all times will seek to ensure that the treatment of the same is legitimate, controlled, and informed, to guarantee their privacy. The law and its application can be found at the following link:
PENKA will be responsible for your personal data, with an address at Calle Rodrigo de Triana No. 2928, Col. Vallarta Norte, in Guadalajara, Jalisco. 44690.

The personal data provided by any individual, including but not limited to, clients, suppliers, users, and/or associates, to PENKA will be used for the purposes described below:

• To identify you, communicate with you, contact you, send you information; the use of personal data will be related to the type of interaction you have with the responsible party, whether commercial, civil, commercial, or of any other nature.

• PENKA will collect the personal data necessary for the formalization of the type of product or service you request or require; by way of example but not limited to, PENKA may collect your name; address; nationality; occupation, profession, activity, or business line; business name; phone numbers.

• It is important to mention that PENKA, as a duly established company, must additionally collect the data necessary to comply with the applicable legal provisions in terms of prevention and detection of acts, omissions, or operations that could favor, provide aid, assistance or cooperation of any kind for the commission of the crimes provided for in articles 139 or 148 Bis of the Federal Penal Code or that could be located in the assumptions of article 400 Bis of the same Code, as well as those provided for in the Law of Asset Forfeiture and the recent Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Illicit Proceeds.

• By visiting any of PENKA's websites, we automatically collect some personal data. With this information, we prepare statistics on how many users visited our websites, as well as customers' tastes and preferences, none of this personal. By collecting this information, we learn to better adapt the websites to our visitors.

• The protection of your information and the security of our PENKA portal is through the use of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates; personnel with access to the information comply with security procedures; access to databases is restricted to unauthorized personnel; our servers are kept updated in antimalware, spam filtering, anti-phishing, or any type of cyber threat or attack.

• We inform you that for PENKA to provide you with the service, it is not necessary to provide us with sensitive personal data. Sensitive personal data are those that may reveal aspects such as racial origin, health status, beliefs, among others, and their misuse could cause harm to the individual. In the event that you contract a PENKA service and it is necessary to collect sensitive personal data, PENKA will ask for your consent and commit to treating them under the strictest security measures to ensure their confidentiality.

• In case you wish to exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, or Opposition, you can exercise them at any time by directing your request to:

1. The email address: and/or

2. The following address: Calle Rodrigo de Triana No. 2928, Col. Vallarta Norte, in Guadalajara, Jalisco CP 44690 and/or

3. The phone number +52 (33) 36150263, from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:30, on business days, as appropriate. For the above, you must reliably inform us of the personal data you wish to be rectified, canceled, or reviewed, as well as the purpose for which you provided them and the name of the responsible party to whom you delivered them or the means by which you sent them and generally comply with the requirements mentioned in Art. 29 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

It will be understood that you agree and consent to the treatment, obtaining, collection, and storage of your personal data provided to PENKA for the aforementioned purposes, if you do not express opposition to this privacy notice.

Any modification to this privacy notice can be consulted at: